buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Global Bazaar - Legitimate Marketplace style.css header class hero-header nav class main-nav div Global Bazaar class logo div class nav-links a Shop href #categories a Sellers href #sellers a About href #about button Sign In class auth-btn main section class hero h1 The World's Digital Marketplace p Discover unique products from verified sellers worldwide div class search-container input type text placeholder Search for products... button Search class search-btn section id categories class product-grid h2 Featured Categories div class category-cards div class card div 🎨 h3 Artisan Crafts div class card div 📚 h3 Rare Books div class card div 🍵 h3 Specialty Teas div class card div 🎭 h3 Antiques section id sellers class verified-sellers h2 Top Rated Sellers div class seller-grid div class seller-card img src data:image/svg+xml, h3 Artisan Co-op p ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ div class seller-card img src data:image/svg+xml, h3 Global Treasures p ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ section id about class about-section h2 Why Choose Global Bazaar? div class features div class feature h3 🔒 Secure p Every transaction is protected div class feature h3 ✅ Verified p All sellers are thoroughly vetted div class feature h3 🌍 Global p Access to worldwide markets footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Terms href # a Privacy href # a Support href # p Built with trust and transparency in mind script.js